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My parents owned a garden restaurant when I was growing up. I have done several jobs such as waitressing, janitor, and cashier. The only job I haven’t done was cook. I was afraid of the fire and heat. When I was 6, I stepped on the hot ash which caused my feet to burn. My dad has been teaching us a good work ethic all my life. Our restaurant was well-known in the province called Samutsakorn, central Thailand. It was the only restaurant that had a large botanical garden and playground back in 1975. A lot of people in town knew my dad very well and they had always supported our restaurant.

It’s the beginning of Spring Break.  Our oldest one always wants to meet up with his 2 best friends. We invited them to our house and they invited us to their house numerous times. At home, they spend too much time on electronic devices so we decided to take them out to a local restaurant called the “Purple Garlic”

The kids spent their evening playing in the sand box among other kids while we were enjoying having dinner. The menu has a big selection. My friend made her own pasta bowl. It was a full size bowl with  sausage, pasta, and mushroom. I had a side salad and Ruben. It was delicious. On Saturday, if we order a meal, we will get one kid meal free. They spent almost 1 ½ hours in the sand box. They play with each other and also with other kids. Several kids competed to make the highest sand pile.

If you plan to eat there, be sure to dress your kids properly because it is like going to the beach.

Purple Garlic

1017 Austin Highway
San Antonio Texas 78209

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